How Traveling Alone Helps to Build Your Confidence.
Photo by Joe Loper.
Raise your hand if traveling around the world is on the top of your bucket list! I know it’s definitely on mine. I honestly don’t know what jump-started this travel-obsession of mine, but I am absolutely crazy when it comes to traveling. Although I’ve had a fair share of adventures, I always find myself planning another trip...even while on the go! During the last couple of years, I traveled a lot with my friends and family, but have just recently decided to do something I haven’t done in a few years - go at it on my own.
While the whole experience was a bit scary and overwhelming at first, I have to admit that traveling alone was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. There’s just something so liberating about having to rely just on yourself while on the road. Traveling alone has helped me so much with my confidence and self-esteem, as well as my mental and emotional health.
So, today I want to talk about how traveling alone helps build confidence and can change your life for the better.
Builds Strength (Physical, Emotional and Mental).
Being on the road constantly can be every possible way. When I first started traveling alone, I remember thinking I was incredibly strong and invincible; I thought I would be able to travel day and night, party all the time and explore the world in no time. Then I got a reality check. Not only can travel tire you out physically, but it can also drain you both mentally and emotionally. Even now I find myself suffering from travel fatigue often.
After I learned how to take care of myself properly while on the road, stay healthy and make time for rest, my travels improved significantly. Today, I can proudly say that I feel stronger, happier and more able to tackle any given or life-related.
Allows You to Embrace Your Weaknesses.
We’re all human and we all have flaws and weaknesses. If there’s one thing I learned from traveling alone, it’s that you need to embrace yourself in all your entirety if you want to survive out there. I remember a long time ago I would be scared to even think about walking the streets of NYC in the middle of the night by myself. Not to mention talking to strangers or god forbid - admitting that I need help in any way.
Travel changed all that. After tons of trips on my own, I can find my way around any city I find myself in. I don’t have a problem walking up to a person and asking for directions or striking up a conversation. Not to mention that my navigation skills have improved more than I ever expected. All of this really helped me build my confidence levels and now I feel more open and accepting of other people and other cultures as well as new opportunities that come my way.
Helps You Get to Know Yourself Better.
This one is definitely one of the most important things you learn while on the road alone. When you’re traveling with a bunch of people, it’s easy to get distracted, allow others to make decisions and simply stay comfortable in your little group. When you’re on your own, you need to talk to yourself and most importantly - you need to think for yourself too. Being on the road has allowed me to meet the side of myself I never knew I had. I learned that I can be bold, adventurous and perfectly capable of making decisions on my own. The trick to gaining confidence lies in gaining knowledge about who you truly are. You just might be surprised.
Shifts You Out of Your Comfort Zone.
Last but certainly not least, traveling alone helps you leave your safe little bubble every once in a while. We often take for granted what we have - a roof over our heads, internet connection at the tip of our fingertips, cab drivers just a click away...and all of this allows us to stay cooped up in our nests without having to lift a finger. When you’re on your own, you need to learn to fend for yourself and that often means stepping out of your comfort zone. Sometimes it means ditching your favorite clothes and makeup and facing the world in ridiculous worn-out outfits. Often times it means doing something risky you’ve ever done before.
For me, it was relying on other people for help. I’m generally a very social and warm-hearted person, but I also tend to be skeptical and wary in certain situations. While I definitely recommend maintaining that grain of doubt while traveling, I also think it’s important to let yourself go and see what happens next. Once you allow yourself to be absolutely free, you learn to trust the magic of new beginnings and the unknown.
So, have you ever traveled alone before? In what ways has traveling helped you grow and build confidence?