5 Reasons to Visit Montauk in the Off-Season.

Montauk always sounded like one of those sleepy, ethereal cities tucked away somewhere warm and beautiful where it was perpetually summer and 80 degrees. That's likely because this traditional beach destination is most popular during the warmer summer months. 

That being said (or written in this case), Montauk is also an amazing reprieve from the bright lights of New York City at the price of only a 3-hour drive or a hop on the Jitney or LIRR. NYC is about 120 miles away from Montauk, but it might as well be on the other side of the country! Affectionately known as "The End of the World," it really does feel that way when you're standing out on a bluff looking out over miles and miles of endless ocean. 

Here's why you should visit Montauk in the off-season:

1. No crowds to fight through like it's the Hunger Games.

Granted, there are fewer restaurants, accommodations, etc. open - but still. If you hate crowds more than you hate brussel sprouts (#sorrynotsorry), the off-season is definitely when you want to make the trip to Montauk. No lines = happiness. 

2. The seafood will make you feel like a human again.

This fishing town has some of the best fresh, local seafood that you'll ever eat! Dive into a lobster roll or broiled fish sandwich at Duryea's year-round and enjoy a great view of the water at the same time. 

3. You can actually enjoy the great outdoors.

Want to get your hiking on or maybe learn to stand-up paddleboard? You're going to love Montauk! Hither Hills State Park has more than 10 miles of hiking trails and Camp Hero State Park goes on for 425 acres with beaches, bluffs and wooded areas galore (plus a few locations that inspired Stranger Things). 

4. Shopping is actually fun. No, really. 

The main drags in East Hampton and Amagansett are open year-round, and are crazy chaotic like a Lady Gaga concert in the summer. If you're looking to take your time, visiting Montauk in the off-season will save your sanity.

5. The sunrise from a lighthouse is pure magic. 

Wake up early and drive up to the lighthouse to catch the sunrise over the ocean. Pack up some hot chocolate and enjoy a well-deserved tranquil moment. Serious om vibes are welcome. 

Have you visited Montauk in the off-season before? What was your favorite thing about the city?

Melanie Sutrathada shares five reasons to visit Montauk in the off-season..png